Carreer Planning? What plans do you have for your life? Do they include helping others?

Carreers in Banking

September 30th 2014 Mazatlan Santa Maria Espíritu Santo  la casa y la tierra del Mexicano.

Think about your future.  What do you want do with your life?  Is it a sports profession?  If so make sure that you have what takes and size or skills needed to compete in the professional ranks.

Be it the Arts, Law enforcement, Sports, the Busness Industry in the executive or Industrial sector or government, you need to have a goal, the confidence, the now how, and the desire and talent to succeed.

“I cann succeed, I will succeed, I must succeed.” words of Baron Von Decosta my personal coach and CEO of Metal Etchings from England MI6 also and who taught me at age 17 how to drive a car very fast withing traffick training that later saved my life, but training the Holy Spirit started when I was in 7th grade.

An award-winning and record-setting athlete, after my Junior Year in high school I knew that law enforcement and not athletics were in my future.

At age 17,  I took my military entrance exam. At 17 and one half I finished High School with straights A’s and also began to write my first synopsis for the musical “For Old Times Sake” a sequel to Guys and Dolls a play that I co-starred in at Saddleback’s famous drama department under the direction of Howard Cusarraeu Hass the relative of Antonio Hass who retired in Mazatlan Mexico and who has a theater named after him here in Mazatlan.

And at age 20,  I wrote a proposal to the Police Academy and applied directly for an undercover job while working for the Mitchel Brothers

I took initiative because,  I knew what it was,  I was made to do, not knowing  I would in the end I would be a successful writer, not of crime stories or even the story of my life, but writing about God, Human Anatomy, Geography, Reincarnation, Mysticsm, Psychology, Politics, Secret Societies, a Plethora of poetry and short stories for children, God, reincarnation and God’s word.

This of course does not include my masters thesis that turned into book and a manual for the survivors of cults entitled The Nine Needs all Humans Have.

See HIERO my Health conglomerate and professional quality assessment company for more information about The Nine Needs All Humans Need made simple and easy to understand so that Satanists and Masons and practitioners of Wicca can read them free before going to counseling.

I never planned on being psychologist either so understand the role that God has for you is not always what you want for your life, but if you love God, you will be amazed at how content you are with your life and your career even as a divorced man failed in your marriage during very successful Jr. college and business college years where I attained a high level of academic and marketing achievements.

Back to my youth.  I worked in a lot of different settings and jobs even as a collector for gymnasium contracts.

At 16 years old I trained as a model,  then I left it for business,  After leaving the supermarket business after about one year and half starting age 15,  I learned I had a natural talent for sales.

Thus in my youth I sold shoes, cosmetic pads for women’s finger nailes,  classical art reproductions, poled voters, and worked for a spell at California Retirement homes and ran the gamete of pyramid companies.

Each stage of your youth and especially your moratorium is a time of experimenting with the idea of what you want for your life in the here and now, while settling in with your heroes whomever they might be that In my case In hindsight I saved myself from myself more than once and was my own hero feeling God´s presence and comfort in every triumph and every comback.

Your moratorium extends between ages 12-20 idealy but can extend into your twenties.

In between applications for the Airforce and exams and the Police waiting for answer, I worked an array of Jobs tried out Jr, College at Orange Coast, but feeling I wanted to work and have fun more than anything else.

My youth was a time of personal freedom, but financing my own likes, wants, and needs and throughout my life helping out my family in the family business of buying and retaining real estate.

The rental property business is a very disciplined business and good credit is everything.  Through this business my family became true American Millionaires without laundering any money whatsoever,

Now that you have a little taste of who I was growing up maybe you will not feel so bad about your own life where you experiemented in everything under the sun.

JV AGNVS DEI VERBVM DEI Prince Jose Maria Chavira Adagio Al Hussayni AGA KHAN V PRIMOGENITVS FILVS DEI Nome de Plume JCANGELCRAFT the son of God and the Spirit of Man.

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